Sweet solitude


So, do I feel lonely now after one month with myself? Eh, no. I never think that so many people has known what I’m up to. People I know and people I don’t know,  are cheering and following this trip of mine. I think there are people that are much more lonelier than me. I haven’t gone crazy. Talking to sastrugis is normal right? And I’m not sick of myself yet. Two months of a lifetime is not so long. The truth is that I like being by myself.

The sastrugis, my new friends, are even more crazy now. In the end of the day there was no visibility and I stumbuled and fell over. But still I did 35 kilometers. Only 284km to go!

One thought on “Sweet solitude”

  • I watch every day to see your post come up. The journey is fascinating even for me who hates the cold! Can’t wait to see pictures one day. Karyn Tim and the children arrived from Australia. We have to go and get a CX Tree. It makes me think of you. I remember you and Amelie decorating ours when you were here in N Z with us. Travel safe..love you lots from all of the A,s

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